The information contained within the Alchemic Empowerment web site (www AlchemicEmpowerment com) or within coaching sessions, classes, or workshops, is not a substitute for professional advice such as from a Medical Doctor, Psychiatrist, counselor or therapist of any kind. The information provided by Alchemic Empowerment or S c o t t B e r r y does not constitute legal or medical professional advice nor is it intended to constitute such advice. The material and information provided on this website are intended to provide education, entertainment and empowerment to the User and are not intended to be a substitute for medical diagnosis, treatment or therapy.
User acknowledges that all material and information provided on this website is offered for informational purposes only. A large portion of the information that is contained on this website exists outside the realm of conventional, accepted medical practice. User assumes all risks for its use or misuse. In no event shall Alchemic Empowerment, its owner, creator, authors, guest authors, contributors, employees or subsidiaries be held liable for any damages stemming from the use or misuse of this information.
Coaching Sessions are for adults 18 or older. Rates are guaranteed not to change with exception to \”specials,\” unless prior written notice is given.
Alchemic Empowerment reserves the right to refuse service for any reason. Results are not guaranteed. Alchemic Empowerment holds no responsibility for the actions, choices, or decisions taken or made by the client.
Alchemic Empowerment (Scott Berry) or any of its staff does not diagnose any medical or psychological conditions and is not a licensed therapist. Diagnosing psychological or medical conditions is for trained medical professionals (Physicians and Therapists).
While every attempt is made to ensure that the information on this website is accurate, it is not guaranteed to be free from typographical errors, incorrect statements or errors in reporting or research.
If you have any further inquires, please contact using the contact form on this site.