Features about Life, Love, Growth, Money, Sex & Spirituality
Breaking up: 3 ways to gracefully leave a relationship Be sure you wish to end the relationship. Do not threaten to go away in an effort to get your partner to change. Ensure there actually is a lack of love, respect, or pleasure—and that it can’t be revived. If there’s still hope, get counseling to […]
We love our pets. Some would even say we are a bit nutty for our furry friends! This episode is a deeply moving conversation about the pets that enrich our lives, the love we have for them and how to deal with death. Josh shares the recent passing of his cat along with his own […]
Whether you are currently in a good relationship, in one and considering breaking up, or single—one truth applies to everyone: you have to know yourself. Self-knowledge and self-actualization are the cornerstones for any successful relationship or marriage fulfillment.Every person deserves a relationship that makes them happy, fulfilled, and the best version of themselves. After all, […]
Part 1, Leaning Out, When to leave a good relationship. Podcast: Play in new window Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Android | Google Play | Stitcher | RSS | More In this episode, Josh and Scott talk about when to leave a good relationship when it’s not serving both partners anymore. Josh shares his recent experience of […]
A great partner is honest, respectful, loyal, forgiving and humble. And they have the capability to provide unconditional love. A great partner loves and put themselves first. I term this being spiritually selfish. Couples often come into my office with the misconception that you should put your partner’s needs before your own. The problem is […]
PARENTS – PATTERNS, TRIGGERS AND TOOLS Discover ways to change unhealthy patterns & emotional triggers. In this episode Josh & Scott take a deep look at how our parents shaped our good & bad patterns/habits & how facing our emotional triggers is the key to changing them.
“The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek” – Joseph Campbell Josh and Scott discuss how stepping out of your comfort zone is the key to living a successful and fulfilling life. This episode touches on the following topics: – Courageously Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone – Personal Accountability – Allowing […]
Unfortunately, many unhealthy relationship behaviors are baked right into our culture. We worship the idea of carefree romantic love – you know, where two people ride off into the sunset happily ever after before they even truly know each other. And we are raised to objectify our relationships and guard them like personal property. Thus, […]
Frustrated by the number of achieved goals not matching that nice goal list you created back in January? Here is a better approach to achieving almost any goal–and it’s an approach anyone can use. We all have things that we want to achieve in our lives–building a successful business, getting into better shape, raising a […]
Podcast: Play in new window | Embed Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Android | Google Play | Stitcher | RSS | More In part 2, Scott and Josh go deep into discussing how to design your ideal lifestyle with a partner in an intimate relationship. This deep dive goes into ways of communicating with your […]
Organizations usually group their people into teams according to the kind of tasks they need to do or responsibilities they have to take. These teams are often called departments led by their respective managers or supervisors. In big organizations where departments are made up of a large number of employees, breaking them down into a […]
“The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek” – Joseph Campbell Josh and Scott discuss how stepping out of your comfort zone is the key to living a successful and fulfilling life. This episode touches on the following topics: – Courageously Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone – Personal Accountability – Allowing […]
January is about over, how are you doing on those new year’s resolutions? Statistics state that about 70% of new year’s goals are completely abandoned by the 2nd week in January, and 80% by the end of the month. Why such poor numbers? Well, there are a few different factors but one of the main […]
Have you ever encountered a baby whose gender is unknown to you? Not knowing can feel profoundly uncomfortable. We barely realize how great the differences are in how we treat male and female people, and in what we expect of them. These differences are by no means subtle, but they are so much the air […]
1) Get out in nature You probably seriously underestimate how important this is. (Actually, there’s research that says you do.) Being in nature reduces stress, makes you more creative, improves your memory and may even make you a better person. 2) Exercise We all know how important this is, but few people do it consistently. […]
November 2013 A recent study theorizes that while 60 percent of happiness is determined by our genetics and environment, the remaining 40 percent is up to us. Here are 20 things HAPPY people do; They surround themselves with other happy people. Joy is contagious. Researchers of the Framingham Heart Study who investigated the spread of […]
Uncovering the root cause of your fear and anxiety is the first, and one of the most important, steps to overcoming fear. Here are 7 simple ways to start this journey: 1. Challenge your negative thoughts. When experiencing thoughts that make you fearful, challenge those considerations by making inquiries that will keep up objectivity and sound […]
Mastering Fulfillment Minisode! Scott discusses a beautiful revelation he had when taking his mentee camping for the first time!
Your Health and Vitality Make All the Difference. How you feel literally dictates how you will attack the day. Eating the right foods and exercising ensure constant energy. You Need Sleep! Time your bedtime, and start winding down at least 45 minutes earlier. Ninety-eight percent of all human beings need at least 7-8 hours a […]
In Part 3 of Crafting Your Ideal Lifestyle, Scott and his wife Michelle discuss the logistics of how they were able to set up their life to travel for four months on their dream trip. After the last two episodes, they received listener feedback asking exactly how they created this voyage. In this […]
Crafting Your Ideal Lifestyle Learn strategies to design your ideal lifestyle starting where your at today. Josh and Scott share multiple ways to create more fulfillment in your day, in your career, in your relationship and with your life. Scott actually recorded this podcast while he and his wife are on their four month […]
The four archetypes – King, Warrior, Magician, and Lover – are essential components of the masculine psyche, providing a framework for understanding and embracing the various facets of a man’s character. Derived from the work of Carl Jung and further explored in Robert Moore and Douglas Gillette’s book “King, Warrior, Magician, Lover: Rediscovering the Archetypes […]
Podcast: Play in new window | Embed Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Android | Google Play | Stitcher | RSS | More Joshua Wenner and Scott Berry discuss how decision making in your personal and business life plays a critical role in your fulfillment. Scott tells a very personal story about having to make a very difficult decision in regards to his friends.
Depression is tough…ok, really tough. Smiling and just thinking happy-happy thoughts just doesn’t cut it. I’m all for positive thinking and reinforcement, but let’s face it… sometimes that stuff doesn’t cut it (see below). Positive thoughts alone won’t lift you up out of the crappy situation you find yourself in every day. Here are 6 […]
I am so excited to share with you a passion project a few months in the making! I’ve been incredibly busy between my practice, launching my 1st men’s 4 day backcountry hiking retreat at the end of the month, and prepping for big travels. I’ve partnered with my good friend and partner Joshua Wenner to […]
Leaning In When not to leave a good relationship In this episode Scott and Josh talk about how to recognize when it may be the right relationship and when to lean in. Scott shares his personal experience of how leaning in turned his girlfriend into a marriage with his wife Michelle.
Just do what you love. Follow your bliss. Let your vocation be your vacation. Yep, you’ve heard all the sayings before. So… what are you waiting for? When you’re doing things you love you are re-energizing yourself. Every time you do something you love, you invest in yourself. You grow. Ultimately you create an endless […]
The word toxic gets thrown around a lot. We hear about toxic people, toxic relationships. Not ignoring the reality of truly toxic people (they exist!), how many of these situations are actually a result of people not taking personal responsibility in their lives and relationships? Issues and problems will inevitably arise in any relationship. When […]
Sex is important. Though it may not be the priority of a relationship (especially a long term intimate one) there’s no excuse for a bad sex life if you’re always passive in the bedroom. As much as you think your man should be intuitive to your needs, that’s just not the way that people work. […]
In this episode, Josh and Scott interview tech industry team building expert Dr. Shannon Hall. Dr. Hall is a sociologist by training, and runs Epic Teams, a consulting firm that helps companies develop effective teams and actualize an extraordinary mission. Topics include: Team Dynamics Workplace Fulfillment Growth and Compensation Resources for Managers, and more!
Dream, Decide, Delegate, Deliver. Imagine. Imagine all the juicy, heart fluttering goals and intentions that you declared months back. Imagine all of them coming to fruition! By far, one of the most significant obstacles we face is having enough time. Imagine an assistant working with you. Supporting you. Helping you take away some of […]
How do you make the most of your morning to jump start your day. An informal discussion on what we do to turbo charge our morning.
TEDx talk by AdamBaker
I tend to believe that it’s impossible to completely separate the two but life coaching tends to focus on the present and future rather than the past. Coaches help people identify their goals and the obstacles they are facing. Like therapy, coaching involves guidance and support but also places a great deal of emphasis on […]
In this episode, Scott and Josh discuss if goal setting is even effective. If so, what are the primary pillars & questions to ask yourself to experience happiness & fulfillment you seek! In this episode we discuss the following: -Effective goal setting & strategies -Reasons to NOT goal set -Personal practices -Tying in goal […]
How do you make the most of your workdays? An informal discussion on the rituals we incorporate into our day that helps us stay focused on the items that matter most.
Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Android | Google Play | Stitcher | RSS | More I discuss the difference between being pulled by inspiration vs pushing through will power in this podcast. Automated Transcript (expect errors due to automation) Welcome to the mastering fulfillment podcast where we focus on reaching your success with fulfillment in your personal business in spiritual life and now you’ll hosts Scott Berry […]
In this special episode, we welcome a long time friend to the podcast, Jessica Plancich Shinners. Jessica brings her 20 years of healing and counseling practice to the podcast discussion and shares her insights on relationships, the #metoo movement, getting primal and back to our roots, and more. We delve deep into the 2-year partnership […]
Consider that two thirds of Americans, hate, not dislike, but hate their jobs. If you’re feeling unfulfilled in your career, maybe it’s because you’re on a path that doesn’t connect with your passion? Maybe it’s time to steer right off that road and take a different route: Money is a very powerful thing, it builds […]
FRUSTRATED & UNHAPPY WITH YOUR JOB? You’re NOT alone! Statistically, only one in three people feels good about being at their job. Um, WOW! No, this survey wasn’t taken the week after Burning Man! According to a recent Gallup report, more than two-thirds of U.S. workers (70%) are either “not engaged” or “actively disengaged” at […]
April 2014 Oh Pareto, how after all these years you still get it! And how quickly we as entrepreneurs forget! Here’s a brief lesson of the 80/20 rule: In the 1900’s Italian Economist and Sociologist Vilfredo Pareto observed that about 80% of Italy’s riches belonged to only 20% of the population. He took his observation […]