My name is Scott Berry, I’m an entrepreneur, coach, musician, photographer, world traveler, outdoor enthusiast and student of life. Oh, and I’m also a recovering corporate burnout.
My mission is to help young professionals to executives reach deeper fulfillment levels of their careers, relationships and personal lives.
My Story (the short version)
Armed with an ‘All-American’ College degree, I set out on my journey down the great American path. Just like my parents, and my parent’s parents. Education, check. Corporate job fresh out of college, check. 2 week European vacation, check. Steady advancement up the corporate ladder, check, check, check... Things were going great and by the age of 25 I had become the youngest person in my company to make the Presidents Club, I purchased my first house and had a great girlfriend. What more could a person ask for?
Fast Forward
5 years and I’m still at my corporate job, same house (different girlfriend :), income is slightly bigger, I now have 4 weeks vacation and a nicer car. Good right?
Well, life would have probably continued in that direction if it wasn’t for one life-changing event. One spring break a group of 20 of us ventured to our annual party gathering at the river. It was the same fun chaotic environment yet this year was different. On this particular trip, I watched as my best friend passed away in front of me. It was a traumatic experience that rocked our entire community. Not being able to sleep or process what had happened for weeks, it made me look at my life in a whole new light.
As the months rolled forward, those same items that had given me so much joy seemed to diminish in the amount of happiness they were providing. Something was different. I now hated my job and was just going through the motions. There was no fulfillment, something was missing, but I had no idea what.
At around the age of 30, there was this internal pull that there was something more to life, something more for me to explore and contribute. I was hungry for change. During the next few years, I became a voracious student of life. Reading everything I could get my hands on, watching countless hours of videos and attending multiple seminars about life, spirituality, finances, psychology, sexuality, masculine/feminine dynamics and more.
I Hired Help
Realizing that a mentor could help me, I hired a coach and joined an accountability group. It has been some of the best investments I ever made. I realized that there is no better investment than the investment in your higher self. With the help of my coach and close supportive friends I quit my corporate job and created my own company. To say I was scared as sh*t to leave the comforts of a steady income would be an understatement! From this, I was able to create my desired lifestyle, one that nurtured my heart and its many passions.
It’s Not Always Roses
All of this was done by living a life with its typical ups and downs: dealing with huge financial fluctuations, having one of my best friends die in front of me, battling self-doubt and worth, immense heartache from breakups and more. One of my biggest takeaways is learning the tools to keep growing, keep loving, keep giving despite life’s speed bumps. Sh*ts always going to happen, the question is how are you going to respond and move forward from them. I’ve now built this internal dialog, a mantra, that states even if I’m scared or have no way of knowing how I’m going to get through a tough situation that I am resourceful, loved and determined that I am a survivor, no matter what. This alone has been a life game-changer for me!
I now travel and live abroad for months out of the year. I had created three businesses and generated time to foster my other passions such as photography, music, entrepreneurship, and psychology. I have an amazing partner and wife whom I travel the world with and am madly in love with and surrounded by a new peer group who is always inspiring me. My health is the best it’s ever been in my life and above all, I’m living my desired lifestyle and am truly happy and fulfilled. Do I still have my problems and life speed bumps? You bet, but the fundamental difference is how they don’t debilitate me like they once did. I know that no matter what life brings, I’ll always persevere. It all starts with a shift in psychology. It’s the ultimate sense of freedom. This journey has lead me to discover my purpose; life coaching and counseling.
This Is My Passion
I am incredibly passionate about assisting people to remove blocks, create new empowering stories, craft their ideal lifestyle and align with their true purpose. Helping clear blockages and empowering them to live the life they know is possible. Coaching can identify and eliminate sources of resistance that keep you from pursuing your goals and inner joy.
People are usually too busy to take the time to evaluate their lives. It’s usually not until something traumatic in their life causes them to take a deep hard look at themselves. It is my Dharma to help people live fuller lives, now.
We are all here to make a difference.
I Can Help
Whether you are in the midst of a personal struggle or things are going good but you know there is another level. I can help. I look forward to the opportunity to work with you.
With Love and Deep Respect,
Scott Berry,
Life Coach and Counselor
San Francisco, CA
• Certified Life Coach & Counselor
• Relationship Counseling
(specializing in masculine / feminine dynamics)
• Human Psychology, Communication, and Behavior
• Business and Entrepreneurship Coaching
• Sales and Motivational Training
• Leadership Forums
• Spiritual Ceremonies
• Massage & Reiki Offerings
Training and Credentials
• Bregman Partners Leadership Coach Training Intensive (ICF, 2019)
• Certified Life Coach & Counselor (certified plus additional ICF training and credits)
• Young Global Business Leaders of Tomorrow Certification Program
• Emotionally Focused Therapy Training
• Masculine / Feminine Dynamics and Communication Course
• Entrepreneurs Organization
• Tony Robbins Business Mastery University
• Tony Robbins Date with Destiny Course
• Bachelor of Arts Business and Marketing Degree